Why Live Bands are Great

Bands Rock!

Ever go out to a restaurant with an open view to the kitchen or table side service?  It is a sneak peak into how your food is artfully made.  Creating food is like magic and being able to witness the process and the artistry involved is a privilege.

Bands make music in front of a live audience.  The same bands that could just record and release a CD allow us the opportunity to witness their artistry.  It gives life to the music, it can gran and expand.  I particularly enjoy when musicians solo.  It is a straight dialogue to the dancers.  “Can you follow me, can you dance with me”?

Sometimes I’ve stopped dancing in the middle of a dance to watch the band.  When they are feeling it, playing their hearts out, you can see their love of music.  It does not matter how long they play or how fast they play.  Realize that they are like a concert orchestra.  They simply play in a different setting where people are allowed to dance.  No one would dream of telling Tchaikovsky or Wagner that they shouldn’t make any song longer than three minutes.  While it is accepted to listen to an evenings worth of classical music at the symphony, sometimes people scoff at the length of time bands play in a social dance setting.

We should respect these artists by making sure to applaud them for their talents and their willingness to share their art with us.  It is no easy thing to be on stage.  You have to work years on your craft.  It takes guts to be on stage.  It takes perseverance, taking time to rehearse and a touch of genius to keep people wanting more.

Instead of just getting a CD or mp3 of your favorite songs, we get invited into the kitchen to watch the musicians perform.  They decide how much spice they want to add to the mix or if they want to braise the beats and simmer the bridge.
As for me, I like it HOT.

See you on the dance floor,

Side Note:

For the dancer- if a song is outside of your comfort zone in speed or length, feel free to just move to the rhythm, two step it, watch the band, or just take a moment to pull your partner close and experience the music together. Listen to the music and feel connected.  There is no crime in simply swaying and enjoying the music.